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Experience the Local Taste at these 5 Restaurants in Pacitan

Jumat, 10 Maret 2023 - 05:18
Experience the Local Taste at these 5 Restaurants in Pacitan Bakso Gibras Restaurant of Pacitan. (Photo: Kuliner Kota) 

TIMES MALANG, JAKARTA – Spending dining time with your family will be such an unforgettable moment. This will be a perfect time to strengthen the bound between one another. And if you happened to be in Pacitan you could visit these 5 restaurant in the town. 

These restaurants will give you humble food with local taste. It will bring you to experience the indigenous taste of some fussion food from Chinese to Javanese cuisine. Letsay from those meatballs to seafod and any other local cuisine. 

List of Restaurants in Pacitan with Good Food 

1. Sea View Restaurant 

Menikmati-Bakso-Gibras-3.jpgNice ambience of Sea View Restaurant at night. (Photo: Kuliner Kota)

As its name this restaurant has such stunning ocean view and an exotic experience of walking along Teleng Ria Beach after or before your dining. This dining venue offers some good taste of seafood from squid, shrimp, crab, to those coral and reef fishes. 

The dishes came with dozens variety of sauce that will make you lick it till the last bite. Located at Jalan Pramuka right on Wista Parai Beach Teleng Ria area this restaurant will surely be a perfect place to take your family for dining. 

2. Bakso Gibras 

This restaurant has become a favorite place for dining for the local community. Located at Jalan H. Samanhudi No.14, Palihan, Pucang Sewu, Pacitan this place offers an exquisite taste of bakso or meatballs. 

From those original to the one with spicy ground chili as one the variant, this place will give you the best taste of bakso. It also has two kind broth, one is the beef broth and the other one was the one with seafood taste broth. 

3. Mentari Hill 

Located at Tempuran, Sidoharjo, Pacitan, this restaurant has an exotic taste of Grilled Fish they called as Ikan Bakar Janenake. The nice ambience and lush green trees surrounding the area makes the place looks like an outdoor picnic venue. 

You will see Temperan Harbour on another side. And beautiful mesmerizing ocean far away behind makes the view looks more amazing. During evening on certain days, this place will take several musician to perform on their stage and entertain the customers. 

4. Bu Gandos Restaurant 

Menikmati-Bakso-Gibras-2.jpgNice ambience of Sea View Restaurant at night. (Photo: Kuliner Kota)

Located at Jalan Raya Solo – Pacitan Kilometer 5, Bagak, Sidoharjo, Pacitan has the authentic local dishes served on the menu. They have the ultimate taste of nasi tiwul or those staple food made of cassava with spicy smoked fish curry asbthe condiment. This has made the restuarant more popular than ever. 

5. Omah Van Java 

Located at Jalan Dr. Sutomo Nomor 86, Krajan, Pacitan, this place offers the authentic taste of local dishes such as oxtail soup, beef ribs soup, roasted ribs, sweet and sour clam, smashed crispy chicken with spicy sauce, and more. 

Nestled in the middle of the city makes this restaurant such a perfect venue to visit for those who doesn't want to go far from their house and willing to enjoy the hustle and bustle atmosphere of the city. This place opens daily from 08.00 to 01.00 early in the morning with local western times. (*)

Pewarta : Khodijah Siti
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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