
Ranu Segaran, a Perfect Place to Reel Your Road on a Boat

Minggu, 11 Desember 2022 - 06:32
Ranu Segaran, a Perfect Place to Reel Your Road on a Boat The beautiful ambience of Ranu Segaran Lake of Probolinggo. (Photo: Instagram @syaikhab)

TIMES MALANG, JAKARTA – Probolinggo started to bring up their tourist destinations to the world. One of them is the enchanting Ranu Segaran lake which located at Segaran village, Tiris district, Probolinggo regency, East Java. This place will be a perfect place for you and your family to spend a weekend together.

Ranu Segaran was one of few lakes located in Probolinggo. The city which located on the eastern side of East Java has several other iconic lakes that worth the visit. Let's say Ranu Agung, Ranu Petok, and Ranu Merah.

All those lakes considered as volcanic lake from Mount Lemongan located in the same area. Up until now, this mount is still considered to have an active volcano just like several other mountains with active colcanoes in the country.

Ranu-Segaran-2.jpgA nice shade, beautiful spot to capture your moment at Ranu Segaran. (photo: Instagram @yokisetiawan)

Geographically, the northern part of Mount Lemongan was belong to Probolinggo regency. Meanwhile, the rest of the part belongs to Lumajang regency. 

Nestled in one of active volcano area, sometimes you will see a bubble coming out rom the lake bed. The bubble also has typical strong sulfur odor. These bubble usually will be formed in the middle of the lake.

This make the habitant of the lake like fishes and more get away and choose to stay in the lake shore. That's why there will be lot's of people spotted fishing on the shore just to try their luck to catch the fish.

The locals even will come with certain tools to catch the fish which comes up to the shore. When this phenomenon happened, this place will be quiet crowd with the local community.


Meanwhile, the sulfuric odor bubble becomes some nice attraction fro the tourists. Not only for fishing, some people will come to this place to have some picnic and spend their time together with loved ones just to enjoy the natural phenomenon. 

Harianto, the manager of Lake Segaran park said that sometimes there will be rumbling sound coming under the water. He said that it was a signal that there were more volcanic activities happened in the mountain. 

Still according to him the sounds could also be heard from another 3 lakes around the mountain. It sounds quite creepy. But Harianto said that the lake was safe enough to be visited despite of the phenomenon.

You could even went to the middle of the lake by renting some local boat, canoe, or even paddle boat. But before getting in, you must pay for IDR 10 K/pax for the ticket and some additional fee for the canoe or boat. 

Ranu Segaran opens daily from 06.00 to 17.00 local western times. With this very affordable ticket and all-natural scenery and phenomenon this place will be so much worth the visit. So, make sure you put this lake on your itinerary list next time you go to Probolinggo. (*)

Pewarta :
Editor : Khodijah Siti

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